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Comics Who Love Comic Books

Jan 22, 2021

Dan used to own a comic book store so he has a lot of great insights into the industry. He also has tons of reading tips for indie comics. We remember the TV show Heroes, which was a little ahead of its time. Is there such a thing as too much collecting? Are big line-wide events annoying? What major comic book story...

Jan 16, 2021

On this week's show we discuss what kinds of stories comics are able to tell, which they do well and which they don't. John has been an editor for Star Trek novels and a writer of Star Trek comics as well as an avid reader. Who is Adam Strange? Are the Marvel heroes no fun? When was Professor X creepy in X-Men?...

Jan 8, 2021

Today Brett gets all worked up about an online petition about Captain Marvel. Also: Who is the Phantom Lady? Who is The Swordsman? Why are they making another Suicide Squad? What is Dark Horse Comics? How different are The Mask comics from the Jim Carrey movie? Is it a problem when a TV show stops being faithful to...

Jan 1, 2021

This episode is about manga and anime but also Western comics. Does Mad Magazine count as a comic book? Who is Lobo? Who's a better artist, Scott Adams or Matt Groenig? Remember Akbar and Jeff? What was the appeal of the Marvel and DC trading cards? Is the Dragonball manga kid friendly? How different are...