Jan 22, 2021
Dan used to own a comic book store so he has a lot of great insights into the industry. He also has tons of reading tips for indie comics. We remember the TV show Heroes, which was a little ahead of its time. Is there such a thing as too much collecting? Are big line-wide events annoying? What major comic book story was spoiled by the local news? Why aren't modern comic books more valuable? What makes a comic have value? What is a variant cover? What job does Brett really want? Should Marvel and DC start looking to their 2nd tier characters for movie ideas?
Reading tips: Miles to Go from Aftershock Comics, Knock 'Em Dead by Elliot Rahal, Ed Brubaker's Captain America, Criminal and Reckless by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, The Vein and Bleed Them Dry by Elliot Rahal, Indie publishers: Vault, Aftershock, Oni Press, Vault Comics titles: Heist, Moneyshot (adult), Vampire: The Masquerade, Jimmy's Bastards by Garth Ennis, very local indie publisher Empire Comic Press, Heroes: Godsend (from the TV show), Hot Lunch Special
Movie tip: Bulletproof Monk
App tip: League Of Comic Geeks
Recorded 1-8-21 via Cleanfeed