Aug 30, 2020
Welcome to Comics Who Love Comic Books episode 9! This week Brett talks to comedian Al Aeed about a lot of topics, including: Can you be a hero if you kill people? Does it make sense for superheroes to beat everyone up? Is Batman a fascist? Why is Deadpool not OK for kids but Deadpool Corps is fine? Can we...
Aug 23, 2020
Welcome to Comics Who Love Comic Books, Episode 8! Today's guest is comedian Adam Muller. Today's topics include: Secret Wars! Clint Eastwood as Batman? How does a movie make a billion dollars at the box office? Is DnD cool now? How are comics today different from what we read as kids? Is Harry Potter just a comic...
Aug 14, 2020
Welcome to Comics Who Love Comic Books, Episode 7! Today's guest is comedian James Mattern. We talk about 80s Storm vs 90s Storm, sexism in comics, and how some of DC's animated movies go too far. Also how fictional characters can seem real to us, what we are entitled to as fans, and why MTV stopped showing music...