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Comics Who Love Comic Books

Jan 16, 2021

On this week's show we discuss what kinds of stories comics are able to tell, which they do well and which they don't. John has been an editor for Star Trek novels and a writer of Star Trek comics as well as an avid reader. Who is Adam Strange? Are the Marvel heroes no fun? When was Professor X creepy in X-Men? Is interconnected continuity a bad thing? Can a shared universe be limiting? What's it like to write a comic book? What is the main function of an editor? How do the editor, writer and artist work together? What is the one mistake people make with Legion of Superheroes? What was the best part of the new Wonder Woman movie?

Reading tips: Injustice, DCeased, Tom King's run on Batman, Silver Age Legion of Superheroes, Tom Taylor's Suicide Squad, Tom Taylor's Constantin

Recorded 1-2-21 via Cleanfeed