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Comics Who Love Comic Books

Jul 1, 2022

Today my guest is Dan Hort, the CEO and Founder of Onomatopoeia Art and Cosmoda The Cosplay Runway and we're talking about the recently departed George Perez. What is the premiere George Perez comic book? Who wrote New Teen Titans? Who were they competing with? Who is the greatest comic book character ever? Who was in the New Teen Titans? What characters did George Perez and Marv Wolfman create? Who was the greatest artist to ever create comics, according to Dan? Who were the original Teen Titans? How old were they? Why did DC create New Teen Titans? Who are Hawk and Dove? How powerful is Wonder Girl? What kept Dick Grayson sane? What's the deal with Donna Troy? How was George Perez with the fans? What happened in Crisis on Infinite Earths? What made George Perez a special artist? What made him a special person? What happened to Dan and Brett at New York Comic Con? How did George Perez affect the cosplay industry? 

Recorded 5-21-22 via Zoom