Nov 18, 2022
My guest this week once again is the mighty Jim Salicrup who has been working in comics for 50 years! What Spider-Man artist was hugely popular in the 80s? When did artists start getting royalties on their work? Which creative team eventually had problems? What storyline brought Robbie Robertson to the forefront and made the Marvel staff take notice? Who wrote that storyline? Who told Jim he was his favorite editor? Who HASN'T Jim worked with? What semi-controversial cover did Jim help create? How do you edit a reprints book? What did Jim work on at Topps comics? What did Jim do at Stan Lee media? What does PaperCutz publish? What comic is popular everywhere except the US? Why doesn't Jim have favorite characters? What are some of his favorite comics that he's worked on?
Reading list: Ray Bradbury Comics; Tombstone storyline in Spider-Man; Ariel; Ernest and Rebecca; King Smurf; Purple Smurf
recorded live at Greek From Greece 10-7-22